He's back, and he's gonna spoil yer phun! Reet then, I'm in a bit of a
mardy mood, so I'm gonna spoil the endings to some films. Don't mind,
do you? Yes? Well shuv it!
The dragon (Draco) dies at the end (he makes the bloke kill him so he
(Draco) can "be free") and joins the other dragons in the "heavens".
Sonya kills Kano by doing a Scissor Grab (I think) on him and snapping
his neck. Johnny (that looks spelt wrong) Cage kills Goro by knocking
him off the cliff. Cage also kills Scorpion by slicing his head (well,
skull) in bits and then it explodes. Lui Kang kills SubZero (noooo!).
Kitana helps Sonya, Johnny and Lui (Raiden* is also on their side) Kang
to get to the final boss - Shang Tsung (silent `T'). Lui Kang kills
Shang by punching him onto some spikes and is then gets to wibble to his
brother (forgot his name) to "bury the hatchet".
Right at the end, Shao Khan appears and it the size of a sky-scraper and
looks pissed off at the "gang". Raiden says "I don't think so" and
everyone gets into a I'm-gonna-kick-your-head-in type of stance. So, a
cheesey/bullshite ending methinks.
*I don't care if Raiden is spelt as "Rayden". As it was originally
spelt "Raiden" when the first Mortal Kombat came out. God knows why
Midway then changed it to Rayden, as it looks weedier that way.
A light hits John Travolta and it in turn makes him basically, brainy.
He doesn't need to sleep, he can learn a language in 45-odd minutes and
stuff. At the end he doesn't want his "powers" anymore, and then the
"powers" buggers off.
Batman & Robin kills The Riddler and Two-Face while in The Riddler's
tower place. Nicole Kidman obviously gets saved by Batters', while the
whole tower place caves in. The Riddler gets thrusted into an aslyum
for spaz-type peeps. The Riddler thinks he himself is Batman (because
the thing that he used to gain knowledge from peoples' tellies, sort of
overloaded which shafted his head-up).
Kevin Costner (and that woman and the little girl with the map on her
back) wipe out all the Smokers and then find Dry Land. Oh, with the
help of that old (dodgy) man living with the two girls). The original
dry land is totally covered in water. Apparently, mud (or "dirt") is
currency. Kevin is also a mutant - a geeza with gills.
It turns out there's shitloads of wonga in the briefcase, they spend all
of it and put IOU's in the case. They find Mary, the "close friend" of
Mary's family is the baddie and tries to kill them at the end. Harry
doesn't die as he's wearing a bullet-proof vest. The piss gets taken
out of the English - albeit in a nice way. Probably.
Ray helps the peasants kill the enemy. Then Ray, and a couple of others
escape (hmmm, defeats the purpose of "No Escape", then?). Thank God the
English people aren't stereotyped! The fat bloater (the boss dood) also
gets stranded on the island - and probably killed. The fat English man
turns out to be a spy/whatever for the fat boss - and also gets
X-FILES: File 8 - Tempus Fugit
That man on the plane dies (he was carrying a UFO power-source). The
reason for the crash? A U.S. goverment fighter plane (or whatever)
tries to shoot down the plane (coz of the UFO power source - the man was
gonna reveal it to the world. I think) but un-expectedly twats into a
UFO that's "freezing time", trying to get that bloke also (not for bad
reasons). It'll take ages to spoil the story, so you'll have to watch
it. Sorry! Oh, Gillian Anderson is looking very sexy - as always
(she's still got dodgy lips! - I'm talking about he MOUTH lips here!) !
I got the vid on the day it was released - 27/06/1997.
The Americans (oh, WHAT A SUPRISE) kill the aliens.
That English bloke boss turns out to be the crime boss (oh look, the
Americans are still making English people the baddies. How thoughtful
of the talentless wankers) and kills Lewis. Er... can't remember what
else happens.
The girly turns out to be working for the prison place. But she ends up
being on Rutger's side, and they both live happily ever after - with
loads of money.
English people are stereotyped with stupid f'kin posh accents. Oh, they
(the stereotyped English peeps) also say "Trashbin" instead of saying
"bin". Ah, those cheeky young Americans! So God damn stupid. They
think they're the only people on the Earth. Oh, anyway... that
stereotyped English bloke gets shot, but he's wearing a bullet-proof
vest. Hmm. The "Ripper" turns out to be some kind of alien thing -
anyway, it dies by getting electrocuted, fried and blown to smeg. Oh, I
don't like Americans that stereotype. AND, that leather-faced tosspot
Pete Postle-thwaite (whatever) is in it. Adding even more to the
English stereotype. Thanks Pete, you wankstain!
The sexy "red haired" woman dies. Sixpack does as well (whee!). Er...
only three people survive. That sexy (but f'kin English stereotyped -
thanks again you Americans - I love you lot, I do) woman, that mista
that played RoboCop, and that black bloke. Oh, the alien get it's head
blown to bits with some kind of canister thingy.
(1993 Version)
That older girl and that man she meets survive and fly about trying to
kill the aliens. That hippy bitch is also an alien. Oh, you get a nice
view of Ms Tilly's fanny (and that girl's titties). Dunno if a double
is used though. Pah.
Oh well, that's all I can be bothered to type right now. See yers!